Monday, March 3, 2008

The Art of Body Sculpture...anything you want.size,shape,texture..

Yes! you can change about any part of your body to your desired size,shape,texture and looks within your genetic limit.
The human body is like an elastic material,it can expand and contract to its "genetic limit",this means it can also break when over stretched or over compressed.

Body sculpture has to do with the art of carving human bodies using various means,but I prefer using the means of customized nutrition and exercise.

Most of my clients want an increase or decrease of some sort of different body parts e.g. Mammary glands(breasts), Gluterals(Hips & Buttocks) Adductors/Quardricepts(Thighs), Spinal Lift(Height Mgt.), Waist Line, Shoulders/back sculpture etc.

without herbals, implants or surgery I've helped many get thier desired physique based on thier phenotype -thier natural physical structure.

For example if a lady wants to increase her hips,we simply put her on a customized diet/exercise plan,shrink her mid-section(abdomen/sides/lower back) and make the hips supple for growth & mass gain.By shrinking the abdomen her hips will assume a new size,by adding mass through diet she will get the exquisite feminine-figure 8.This has worked always.note that your size gain or loss is limited to your genetic structure.
Yes! you can enlarge or reduce anything!

The same goes for breasts,buttocks,spine/back elongation etc.

If you are in doubt call me on 234-806-052-1014 for a live consultation or book an appointment,there are personal instructors to take you when ready. live healthy & stay fit!

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