Friday, March 28, 2008

Wash Away The Fat & Stay Clean & Fit

I had the knowledge that for a healthy and better weight loss programe you must
1.Identify your ideal weight right & live right 3.exercise
...but I also knew you would need to rid your body of toxins(chemical waste materials) that made it easy to add fat and cause ailments.
I searched until I found a product that actualy does what it says -FOREVER CLEAN 9 ,a detoxifying/weight loss pack. In just NINE days after use reports of loosing inches on waist line,hips,tummy etc. are if that was not enough users reported increased energy levels even though they abstained from thier normal meals.

The sequel to this is LIFE STYLE 30 a maintanance phase routine while you keep fit packed with so many nutritional values!

THE COST: Clean 9 Pack- N17,500 ($145.29)
Lifestyle 30 Pack- N28,700 ($239.33)

For enquiries & other products for Health & Wellness please call

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

" If I Could Then, Anyone Can" - Live Testimony

Pictures from left to right is that of Miss Ijeoma, our Client of the quarter with old look in Dec. 2007,her workout session and her new look in March 2008 respctively.

she's a living evidence to the fact that you can accomplish anything you imagine if you have enough motivation to take ACTION!
its also necessary you know she sterted workingout regularly in the last week of Jan 2008!

Below is her body satistics ,Before & After with some infomation, just incase you want to reach her & get inspired on how she lost that much weight in less than 3 months:
Name: Ijeoma
Age Range: 20-25

Height: 5ft 11"

Nationality: Nigeria

Phone: 234-703-042-3383

Bust 46" 41"

Waist Line 38" 35"

Hips 56" 49"

Weight 110kg (Dec.07) 89kg (Mar.08)

Exercises: Floor Exercises/Aerobics and swimming.

Diet: balanced diets, mostly fruits,veggies and water,no heavy night meals.

Her "baggy" physique was a concern for family and friends until she stumbbled into Rowland,a "principality" in fitness health,whose rear yet practical knowledge helped her bring out the exquisite feminine figure in her. Ijeoma is still on the part of loosing more weight i.e. to get to her ideal weight.

For enquries on how to get your own personal trainer call 234-806-052-1014.

see the The Art of Body Sculpture article below and get thrilled on tips on how to shrink,enlarge or maintane your body. No implants! No Herbs! No Surgery! just customized and natural exercise, nutrition & lifestyle habits designed to fit your unique body. stay glued to this site for more relevant stuffs.

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Brief on Supplements

I'll try to make this as easy as possible and avoiding some medical terminology fuss!

To supplement means to make additions or extras to something to improve it.So what do you want to improve,health wise? You are reading the right article.

Most of our daily diets routine does not supply the Recommended Daily allowance-RDA of nutrients needed for the body to function as its peak.If our bodies should demand more than is supplied,as the case usualy is, it goes into a catabolic state depleting vital energy stores and processes,but giving it equal or more than what is needed will cause it to shift into an anabolic state-more like regular supply of quality oil and gas in a working engine.

Note that most supplements are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent diseases.Always consult a medical expert before taking supplements.

Proper nutrition and exercise are essential to attaining any fitness goal.

Below are some active substances for health areas you wish to improve before buying that supplement:

GENERAL BODY FUNCTIONS: Multivitamins and Minerals e.g. Vitamins A,D,E,K, C,B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B12, Calcium,Pottasssium,Magnesium,Zinc etc.
WOMEN'S/BREAST HEALTH:Soy milk,Soy beans,Vitamin D, Rhodiola Rosea, Estrogen,Iron,Zinc,Multivitamins etc.
MEN'S HEALTH:Yohimbine,Saw Palmeto,Korean Red Ginseng,ginkgo Biloba,Arginine,nitric Oxide,Amino acids,Multivitamins etc.
SEXUAL HEALTH: Same as in men and women above.
WEIGHT GAIN/FAT GAIN:Increased quality food(calorie) intake beyond metabolic needs.Cyproheptadine(Apetite/sleep stimulant).
WEIGHT LOSS/FAT BURNERS:Caffeine,Yohimbine,Tyrosine,Hoodia,Guarana,Green Tea extract,Fish Oil,Flax Seed Oil,Forskolin,Chromium,Magnolia Bark,Pyruvate,Citrus Aurantium etc.
MUSCLE MASS: (ATP)Adinosine Triphosphate,Arginine,Amino Acids, (BCAAs)Branched chain Amino Acids,Creatine,egg Protein(egg White),Milk Protein(Casein, Colostrum & Whey),Taurine,Glutamine etc.
MENTAL ACUITY: st. John's Wort,Theanine,Kara,Ginkgo Biloba,Yohimbine etc.
For further enquiries or live consultation please call 234-806-052-1014. enjoy the site.thanks

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Art of Body Sculpture...anything you want.size,shape,texture..

Yes! you can change about any part of your body to your desired size,shape,texture and looks within your genetic limit.
The human body is like an elastic material,it can expand and contract to its "genetic limit",this means it can also break when over stretched or over compressed.

Body sculpture has to do with the art of carving human bodies using various means,but I prefer using the means of customized nutrition and exercise.

Most of my clients want an increase or decrease of some sort of different body parts e.g. Mammary glands(breasts), Gluterals(Hips & Buttocks) Adductors/Quardricepts(Thighs), Spinal Lift(Height Mgt.), Waist Line, Shoulders/back sculpture etc.

without herbals, implants or surgery I've helped many get thier desired physique based on thier phenotype -thier natural physical structure.

For example if a lady wants to increase her hips,we simply put her on a customized diet/exercise plan,shrink her mid-section(abdomen/sides/lower back) and make the hips supple for growth & mass gain.By shrinking the abdomen her hips will assume a new size,by adding mass through diet she will get the exquisite feminine-figure 8.This has worked always.note that your size gain or loss is limited to your genetic structure.
Yes! you can enlarge or reduce anything!

The same goes for breasts,buttocks,spine/back elongation etc.

If you are in doubt call me on 234-806-052-1014 for a live consultation or book an appointment,there are personal instructors to take you when ready. live healthy & stay fit!

My Body

My Body
Replica of The True Nigerian Spirit

Executive fitness

Executive fitness
cute looks anywhere,anytime!