Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sexual Fitness

Got ya! I knew I'ld get your attention with this.Well, we all know what sex is so lets get to the point.What does it take to be sexualy fit?

True Love: this is my opinion,it all begins here and you have the right to argue it. If you aint willing to die, to literaly lay your life down for him/her, then you dont deserve sex from him or her. Feelings come and go, so does your sex hormones rise and fall occasionaly based on some factors. So, true love is priority for genuine long lasting sexual capabilities. Dont be driven by every sexual urge but be driven by true love for your partner.

Your Mind Set: if you have a wrong concept of sex you either abuse it or underplay get your thinking right.Discover techniques your spouse loves & give it to him or her.In this "world" its just both of you not the exergarated adverts we see in mags & media. Make your own mutaly benefiting dicoveries as you wisely open up to relevant knowledge in this area.

Muscles Needed: Rectus abdominis(stomach muscles), Quardriceps/Hamstrings/Gluterals(hips,tighs & Buttocks), Erector Spinea(lower back) etc.

Recommended Exercise (Women): Pelvic floor exercise,sit ups,jogging, aerobics,swimming,cycling etc.

Recommended Exercise (Men): Foot ball,sit ups, squarts, push ups,weight training,jogging,dancing, etc.

Diet: Balanced diets,Women:fish,plant protein,soups, lots of fruits,vegies & water especialy within & after your monthly flow.same goes for men.

Avoid: Nicotines,Alcohols,junk food/processed foods etc. what can make you feel good temporaly can cause future damages!

for further info/enquiries call 234-806-052-1014 & customize your workout & diet to suit your lifestyle/daily routine!

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